Version 8th of May 2018
Welcome at WeAlert. Your safe neighbourhoodwatch platform (digital too)
Below we outline the general terms and conditions of WeAlert and our privacy statement. We are aware that not everyone wants to read this whole multi-page document of legal terms and we think it is important to be open, transparent and explain want we do in easy and for everyone understandable way. This is why we summarised the core of how we operate in the following points. This summary prefers above all the articles.
We don’t want to know anything about you, your personal data and your specific behaviour if we don’t need it for our WeAlert solution. You will register with your home address and e-mail address. We need your home address to place you automated in a group with your neighbours. We use your e-mail address to validate your account (that you are real and not a bot) and to inform you (newsletter, product information). Settings and information of your usage of the app is only stored and used to help you if you contact us for support. So we only use this as customer support and not for any commercial use.
Next to above we do not want to know anything about you and your personal data. WeAlert is only interested in group data (street, neighbourhood) and in anonymised data. These anonymised data (including app usage) is not to trace back to you as a single person and we use this for analyses and to improve WeAlert as a platform (app).
Your neighbours and other users will know even less of you than WeAlert. Other users only see your name, which you enter when you register, except when you decide you want to share more information with your neighbours and other users.
By using WeAlert app you allow WeAlert and the administrator of the group to share your messages and alerts (including your profile name) with the police and municipality. We can share this with the police and municipality as this helps them and us to make the neighbourhood more safe. It is important that they know what happends in a street and neighbourhood. This way they can adjust policy and use content to press charges.
If you delete your account of WeAlert, by sending an e-mail with this request to , we will delete all your personal data and we will not store anything related to you.
This describes how we work and what we do. We care about your privacy and we will do nothing with your personal data. To earn money we aim and cooperate with government (subsidies), use data of streets and neighbourhoods and work with companies, including insurers, who want to strengthen our platform like smart home alarm systems which are connected with the neighbourhood via our platform. We strongly believe that this is the only way to make the neighbourhood safe (including digital). The data which WeAlert shares with partners is not to trace back to you, a single person and do not consist personal data (with exception of alert and messages which can be shared with the police and municipality).
You can hold us on all the above and this summary is an integral part of our terms and conditions.
If you have any question, remarks and/or concerns about these, please contact us at
Terms and Conditions
Welcome to Veiligebuurt, also known as WeAlert(.io), Sichere Nachbarschaft, get-StreetWatch, StreetWatch. This agreement describes your rights and responsibilities when using WeAlert’s website, mobile apps and service, both as a visitor but also as a registered member of WeAlert, and what you can expect from us. By clicking on “I accept” or by using WeAlert’s website, apps or service (“WeAlert Services”) you agree to these terms and conditions, so take a moment to read through this legally binding agreement.
WeAlert is intended to contact neighbours and to collaborate to make the neighbourhood a safer place. For clarity’s sake, we would like to establish a few rules.
WeAlert is for neighbours and not for commercial firms. If you see a commercial advertisement, please tell us. We will remove it immediately. If we suspect you are working commercially on the website and/or app, we can remove your ads and/or your account.
Treat everyone respectfully
Assume other people’s good intentions and give them the benefit of the doubt.
You can disagree but still maintain good harmony; make sure to address the topic of the discussion and don’t make personal attacks. Don’t use expletives.
Take a measured approach and don’t place too many messages, so you don’t dominate the conversations.
Send private messages or post messages in a group if a limited audience is more suitable.
Discriminatory or racist messages are strictly forbidden.
Share useful information
Respond to questions by other members
Share information about neighbourhood prevention and safety
Discuss questions and issues that are relevant to the neighbourhood (but avoid campaigns)
Offer a helping hand if neighbours need one.
Present yourself honestly, the way you want
Use your real name, no alias, pseudonym or abbreviation
Join as an individual, not as a couple, a family or an organisation
Take the time to add a photo and to complete your profile.
On WeAlert you communicate the way you would do in person, so don’t use rude language, etc. WeAlert can interfere with public messages and/or remove them if they are indecent or illegal. We don’t read private messages, unless we receive complaints.
WeAlert is personal, you say who you say you are. We respect your privacy (please see our Privacy Statement). Do keep your personal data up to date.
Use your common sense and don’t do things you wouldn’t do normally. You are responsible for your own safety. WeAlert is an “open” platform, so don’t share personal and/or sensitive information of which you don’t want that people you don’t know may read.
WeAlert is happy to help and support you in solving problems. We are not, however, legally liable, except if you can prove we acted deliberately in a way that was grossly negligent.
WeAlert is not perfect. If you see something that needs improvement, we will happily hear about this. Because WeAlert has only just started, the site/app can change from time to time or stop working for a short while. We may add new things or remove things that turned out not to be useful.
WeAlert would like to show the value of WeAlert to you. It is possible, therefore, that we share requests via Twitter, WeAlert or our newsletter. Of course we will show you in advance what we would like to share, and you can separately opt out of the newsletter.
WeAlert may adjust these conditions if needed. We will announce this in advance and will give you plenty of time to get used to these new rules.
Declaration of rights and responsibilities
This Declaration of rights and responsibilities (“Declaration”, “Conditions” or “DRR”) includes our service conditions, which apply to our relationship with users and others who interact with WeAlert. Apart from this, this Declaration is applicable to brands, products and services from WeAlert which are referred to. When you use or open WeAlert-services, you declare that you agree with this Declaration, which will regularly be updated in accordance with the provisions of the below articles. At the end of this document, we’ve included a few resources that contain information about the way in which WeAlert works.
We value your privacy enormously. We’ve created a Privacy Statement which contains important provisions about how you can use WeAlert to share items with others and how we collect and can use your content and information. We recommend reading this and making decisions based on this.
Sharing content and information
You are the owner of all content and information you place on WeAlert, and you can use the settings to decide how this content and information will be shared. Aside from this, the following provisions apply:
For content to which intellectual property rights (IP) apply, like photos and videos (IP-content), you specifically give us the following permissions you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free and worldwide license for the use of the IP-content you place on or connected to WeAlert (IP-license). This IP-license ends when you remove your IP-content or your account, unless you shared your content with others and they did not remove it.
If you remove IP-content, this is removed in a way comparable to the emptying of the recycle bin on a computer. You understand, however, that the removed content may potentially remain present for a reasonable period of time in back-ups (but will not be available to others).
If you use an application, the application may ask for permission for the opening of your content and information and the content and information which others shared with you. We demand that applications respect your privacy and your permission for the relevant application determines the way in which this application can use, store and transfer this content and information.
We always value your feedback or other suggestions about WeAlert, but do take into account that we can use this information without any obligation to reward you for this (just like you have no obligation to offer it).
SecurityWe try our best to keep WeAlert safe, but we cannot guarantee this. We need your help to keep WeAlert safe. For this reason, you need to follow the following rules:
You don’t place non-authorised, commercial messages (such as spam) on WeAlert.
You don’t collect content or information from users and you don’t use WeAlert in different ways via automatic means (such as harvesting bots, robots, spiders or scrapers) without our prior authorisation.
You don’t participate in illegal, multi-level marketing, such as pyramid schemes, on WeAlert.
You don’t upload viruses or other damaging code.
You don’t ask people for their login info and you don’t log in using someone else’s account.
You don’t bully, intimidate or harass other users.
You don’t use content which is hate-filled, threatening or pornographic, which incites violence, or which contains nude imagery or needless violence.
You don’t use WeAlert for illegal, misleading, malicious or discriminatory activities.
You don’t do anything which disrupts, overloads or renders impossible the correct operation or presentation of WeAlert, such as a Denial of Service-attack or disruption of page display or other WeAlert-functionalities.
You don’t facilitate or stimulate any breach of this Declaration.
Registration and account securityWeAlert-users provide their real names and data and we need your help to keep things that way. Here are a few rules which you must follow, connected to registration and the security of your account.
You don’t provide false personal data on WeAlert and you don’t make an account for someone else without permission.
You don’t make more than one personal account.
If we deactivate your account, you don’t make another account without permission.
You don’t use WeAlert if you are under 16 years of age.
You don’t use WeAlert if you’ve been convicted for a sexual offense.
You don’t use WeAlert in “bad faith” or with criminal intentions.
You keep your contact info correct and up to date.
You don’t share your password with others (and developers don’t share their secret key). You don’t allow anyone else access to your account and you don’t do anything that can damage the security of your account.
You don’t transfer your account to someone else without our permission in writing.
If you select a username or comparable identification for your account or page, we reserve the right to remove or to reclaim this if we feel it is inappropriate.
Protecting the rights of othersWe respect the rights of others and we expect you to do this as well.
You don’t place content or undertake any action on WeAlert which disrupts someone else’s rights, or which breaks the law in any way.
We can remove content and information which you place on WeAlert if we find that it breaches either this Declaration or our policy rules.
We offer you the tools to protect your intellectual property rights.
If we removed content because of breach on the copyright of someone else and you think this happened unfairly, you can object to this.
If you repeatedly breach the intellectual property rights of other people, we will deactivate your account.
You will not use our copyright, trademarks or brands which resemble ours in a confusing way, except when this has been explicitly permitted under our Guidelines for the use of brands or after written permission.
If you collect information about users, you need to receive their permission and make it clear that you (and not WeAlert) are the one collecting the information.
You don’t place identity documents or sensitive financial info belonging to others on WeAlert.
Mobile and other devices
We offer our mobile services for free, but do take into account that the normal rates of your mobile phone provider (such as text or data costs) do still apply.
When you change your e-mail, mobile phone or it is deactivated, you update within 48 hours your account info on WeAlert to make sure your messages will be sent to you and not to someone else how have your former e-mail address and/or phone number.
You grant permission and all necessary rights so users can synchronise their devices (also via an application) with all information and contact data they can see on WeAlert.
Special provisions for software
If you download or use our software, such as a stand-alone software product, an app or a plugin application for a browser, you agree that the software will, now and then, download and install upgrades, updates and additional functions from us to improve, expand and further develop the software.
It is not permitted to change source code, to create derivative works from this code, to compile it or to acquire it in any other way, unless this has been explicitly allowed according to an open-source license or if we have granted you explicit written permission.
We reserve the right to modify this declaration in any way. We recommend consulting this declaration regularly, so you remain abreast of such modifications.
If, after the announcement of these modifications to our conditions, rules, or statement, you keep using the WeAlert-services, you declare your agreement with the modified conditions.
If you breach the letter or spirit of this Declaration, or create a risk or potential judicial risk for us in any other way, we can terminate your access to WeAlert entirely or partially. We will inform you of this via e-mail or when you try to open your account the next time. You can remove or deactivate your account at any time.
Any claims, legal proceedings or litigation (claims) you have with us arising out of or relating to this Declaration by WeAlert will only be resolved in a Dutch district court, and you will agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the settlement of such claims. This Statement and any claims between you and us are subject to the laws of the Dutch state, regardless of any rules governing conflicts of laws.
If someone files a claim against us related to your actions, content or information on WeAlert, you will indemnify us against all damages, losses and expenses related to such claims (including reasonable legal fees and expenses). Although we offer rules for the behaviour of users, we do not steer user actions on WeAlert and we are not responsible for the content or information users transmit or share on WeAlert. We are not responsible for any offensive, inappropriate, obscene, unlawful or otherwise objectionable content or information you may find on WeAlert. We are not responsible for any online or offline behaviour of WeAlert users.
WeAlert is not responsible for any content shared on the WeAlert app and platform. Not for content shared and/or distributed by users, nor Internet of Things (smarthome) devices and/or other (semi-) automated content from third parties or other sources (like police information), nor content generated by WeAlert based on (semi-) automated data input.
With ‘WeAlert or ‘WeAlert-services’ we mean the functions and services we make available, including via (a) our website at and; (b) our platform; (c) the WeAlert-app; and (d) other media, brands, products, services, software (like a toolbar), devices or networks which exist now or are developed later.
With ‘Veiligebuurt’ we also mean regional brands of Veiligebuurt like WeAlert(.io), get-StreetWatch, StreetWatch, Sichere Nachbarschaft and vice versa.
With ‘Platform’ we mean a set of APIs and services (like content) which others, including application developers and website administrators, can use to gather data from WeAlert or can provide us with data.
With ‘information’ we mean facts and other data about you, including actions by users and non-users who interact with WeAlert.
With ‘content’ we mean everything you and other users place, provide or share through the WeAlert-services.
With ‘data’, ‘user data’ or ‘data of the user’ we mean all the data, the content or information of which you or a third party can gather from WeAlert or can provide to WeAlert via the platform.
With ‘to place’ we mean to post on WeAlert or to make available in some other way by using WeAlert.
With ‘to use’ we mean to use, to carry out, to copy, to make public or to publish, to distribute, to modify, to translate, or to derive products from.
With ‘application’ we mean any application or website the Platform uses or opens and each other item through which data from us have been received. If you don’t open the Platform anymore but you haven’t deleted all our data yet, the term ‘application’ remains valid until you remove the data.
This Declaration is an agreement between you and Veiligebuurt B. V., established in the Netherlands.
This Declaration constitutes the entire agreement between the parties as it applies to WeAlert, and this is valid above potential former agreements.
If any part of this Declaration is found to be unenforceable, the remainder shall continue in full force and effect.
If we decide not to enforce any part of the Declaration, this does not equal agreement.
Any amendment or waiver of this Declaration must be made in writing and signed by us.
You cannot transfer rights or responsibilities under this Declaration to someone else without our permission.
All of our rights and obligations under this Declaration, we can freely assign in the case of a merger, acquisition or sale of assets, by law or otherwise.
Nothing in this Declaration will prevent us from obeying the law.
This Declaration does not grant rights of third parties.
This Declaration does not create an agency, partnership, joint venture, employment or franchise relationship.
We retain all rights that have not been explicitly granted to you.
In using or opening WeAlert, you must obey all relevant laws.
Privacy Statement WeAlert
At WeAlert we ask you to provide your name, contact details and other personal information. We also collect data about the use of our website. In this privacy declaration, we clarify what we do and why. You have the right to inspect your data or to ask us to remove these. We will explain below how this works.
Provision of personal information
WeAlert is personal, you are who you say you are. At registration, we ask you for your name, address and email address. This only happens for verification purposes. The people you contact in your neighbourhood will only see your name, which you choose at registration, and public WeAlert-profile. When you contact your neighbour via chat, you yourself decide which information to exchange.
WeAlert also keeps track of which announcements and messages you have posted, and if you have indicated you find them interesting or not interesting. We will use these data to improve the site/app and to generate relevant overviews for you. These data, WeAlert will keep to itself ((included external parties who process this data for WeAlert, f.e. Mailchimp). There is an exception for sharing messages and alerts with the police and municipality. This is allowed for WeAlert and the admnistrator to improve the safety within the street and neighbourhood together with the police and municipality. In case of abuse or problems, we can use these data or deliver them to the judicial authorities. Apart from this, we are allowed to check anonymously which kind of messages are being sent or received. In this way, we intend to improve our service and to prevent or detect abuse.
These data, too, WeAlert will keep to itself (and with external parties who process this data solely for WeAlert, f.e. Mailchimp). We are only allowed to read your messages anonymised if there are specific complaints or if the judicial authorities demand it of us. Veiligebuurt will never share personal data with third parties (others than processors of Veiligebuurt and who are bound to these same conditions). WeAlert do have the right to share data with third parties when this data do not consist personal (privacy) data or is not able to trace back to a single person.
Your profile name, including (an indication of) where you live will be shown on the site/app. Even though we try our best to guarantee everyone’s privacy, we cannot prevent that public data are used by someone else. Make sure to use your common sense and don’t mention things you consider private.
Collection of visitor information
WeAlert collects general visitor information, such as the IP address of your computer, data about your browser, the moment of inquiry and the data sent by your browser. These data will be used for statistical analysis of visitor and clicking behaviour on the website and app, and also to keep an eye on the site/app. We do not link these data to the aforementioned personal information.
Contact form or newsletter
If you fill out the contact form on the website, or if you send us an email, the data you send us will be saved as long as is necessary – depending on the type of form or the content of your email – for the complete response and processing thereof. If you become a member, we will periodically send you our newsletter with new functions, updates, additions and tips. Every newsletter contains an unsubscribe option which means you can stop further subscription. The subscriber base of the newsletter will not be provided to third parties or made available to third parties.
Use of cookies
To give you access to the site and to facilitate logging in, we use cookies. These are small files which are saved on your computer and which capture your data as a visitor of our website. Thanks to a cookie, it is possible to be always logged in as you visit our site. For this automatic logging in, you have to place a check next to the field “Remember data” when logging in. We also use a cookie to register your clicking behaviour on our site.
When you want to switch off the use of cookies, you can set up your browser in such a way that all cookies are refused, or that it is indicated whenever cookies are sent. Take into account that specific parts of the website might not work very well anymore if you do not accept cookies.
We also measure visitor behaviour using a cookie.
Protection of personal data
We use strict security procedures to avoid that unauthorised people are allowed access to personal data.
Modifications of the privacy statement
We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement. We recommend checking this declaration regularly, so you are aware of these modifications.
Inspect and modify your data
Via your profile page, you can adjust your personal data. Removing your account is possible by sending an email to WeAlert.
For questions about our privacy statement or questions about the inspection or modification of (or removal of) your personal data, you can contact us at